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Advanced Teeth Whitening Treatment in Port St. Lucie, FL
The advanced teeth whitening system offered by Advanced Smile Institute in Port St Lucie, FL can brighten any smile. We provide our patients with the Pola Advanced Teeth Whitening System which uses dual forces to whiten teeth. With time, coffee and bad habits can build up an unsatisfying yellowing of the teeth. At Advanced Smile Institute, we are offering the Pola In-House Whitening Treatment for a competitive price. This special price includes the Pola Day / Pola Night take home trays, which are easy and safe to use, and you can do it in the privacy of your own home.

Pola Day And Night Teeth Whitening Benefits

Releases Fluoride

The addition of fluoride re-mineralizes the tooth’s surface aiding in the reduction of post-operative sensitivity.

Contains Desensitizing Agent

The Pola Day and Pola Night gels contain a desensitizing agent which acts on the nerve endings.

Neutral pH

Pola Day and Pola Night’s neutral pH ensures the full release of the peroxide without jeopardizing patient comfort.

Pola Day Advanced Teeth Whitening Treatment in Port St. Lucie, FL

Pola Day Teeth Whitening Treatment

Pola Day is a self-applied take-home teeth whitening kit for home or work use and is hydrogen peroxide based. Advanced Smile Institute makes custom fitted trays that allow you to whiten your teeth at home during the day at your own pace and time. You can wear these whitening trays with Pola Day inside for as little as 30 minutes a day (varying on concentration). You can repeat this procedure for about 5 - 10 days depending on your unique requirements. This new technology makes it possible for you to whiten your teeth while at home or at work.

Pola Night Advanced Teeth Whitening Treatment in Port St. Lucie, FL

Pola Night Teeth Whitening Treatment

Pola Night is a self-applied take-home teeth whitening kit for home use and is carbamide peroxide based. Advanced Smile Institute makes custom fitted trays which allow you to whiten your teeth while you sleep. You can wear these trays with Pola Night inside, overnight, or for as little as 40 minutes (depending on the concentration). You repeat this procedure for about 5 - 10 nights in a row depending on requirements.

The Pola advanced teeth whitening treatment can fix a wide spectrum of different situations. Many discolorations of your teeth can be reversed much faster than you may think. The Pola Advanced Tooth Whitening System acts fast to bring you a white smile that can enhance your appearance and boost your self confidence. Advanced Smile Institute feels passionately about providing effective teeth whitening solutions, and that's why we offer the Pola Advanced Teeth Whitening System.

To discover more about our advanced teeth whitening system or find out the cost of teeth whitening treatment, please contact Advanced Smile Institute today.

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation Today.